ALLOY 8011 AND 3105
Mechanical Properties:
Parameter Alloy 8011 and 3015
Yeld Load Rp02 (Mpa) 125 - 155 135-165
Breaking Load Rm (Mpa) 135 - 165 160-180
Elongation ( % ) - A50 ≥ 2,0 ≥ 2,0
Erichsen drawability (mm) ≥ 4,0 ≥ 4,0
Anisotropy ( % ) ≤ 2 ≤ 1
Grain dimension ( μm ) ≤ 100 μ ≤ 100 μ
Surface Treatments:
The material is mill finished and uniform on both sides.
CLA surface roughness ( Ra): 0.25 – 0.50 microns
Peak to valley heigh (Rt): approx 4 microns
The material is pretreated as described below pretreatment: phosphoric-acid 59 BE, ALIM 85% complies with EC and European regulation and also with United States Food and Drug Administration requirments.
Pretreatment: The aluminium is treated through an electrochemical phosphating process (phosphoric acid bath).This treatment allows the creation of a layer of aluminium phosphate on the surface which promotes and helps the paint to grip the surface.
Relubrication: no relubrication is applied to the surface, since our electrochemical phosphating system allows this process to be skipped.
Dimensions and tolerances
Thickness: thickness tolerance is + 0.01 mm for sizes from 0.20 to 0.23 mm
Flatness: flatness tolerance is 0.6%. Maximum 2 mm.
Set square: deviation no more than 0.8 mm on dimensions up to 1000 mm - deviation no more than 0.4 mm on dimensions up to 500 mm
Lateral curvature: 0.2 mm in sizes up to 1000 mm
Tolerances on Length and Width: on width: -0/+0.6mm / on length: -0/+1mm